“Anne Will” on the escalation of violence in the Middle East – media

At the beginning there are clear and comprehensible words from the Israeli military spokesman Arye Sharuz Shalicar, who spoke from Tel Aviv. In the middle there are at least as clear words from Norbert Röttgen (CDU) from Germany. And at the end there are conciliatory words from Hoda Salah. The political scientist from Egypt, who lives in Berlin, initially says that she was warned about a talk show like Anne Will’s on Sunday evening on the topic of “New war in the Middle East – Is there still a way out?” Because that’s basically “suicide” for a person of Arab origin these days. Insofar as one would always have to deal with the suspicion of anti-Semitism. But then she says two things. One is surprising – and unfortunately it is hardly true. The other is perhaps an inkling of a way out.

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