Anne Hidalgo shocked that Ségolène Royal does not support her

“It’s obviously shocking,” said Anne Hidalgo. The candidate of the Socialist Party, struggling in the polls, did not obtain the support of Ségolène Royal. The former socialist minister felt that “the useful vote on the left, [c’était] the Mélenchon vote”.

“The best compass must be that of loyalty, loyalty to one’s political ideas, and even when times are difficult”, reacted on Radio J the mayor of Paris. “I say it: we need Ségolène Royal, because she has experience, she has often been a minister in important portfolios, so it’s a shame,” added Anne Hidalgo.

“Left of solutions”

“But I am very pragmatic and very realistic. There are loyal people, there are fighters, I have some around me, ”continued the candidate, quoting the president of the Occitanie region Carole Delga, her campaign manager and mayor of Nantes Johanna Rolland, the mayor of Lille Martine Aubry, or the former Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve.

Between Emmanuel Macron, whom Ségolène Royal had supported in the 1st round in 2017, and the rebellious candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, “there is a place for this left of the solutions that I embody and which is his family of origin”, said again affirmed Anne Hidalgo.

Weakness of the Socialist Party

A little earlier, on France 2, the first secretary of the PS Olivier Faure had also tackled Ségolène Royal. “I don’t know if it’s the right compass, Ségolène Royal. A few days ago she said that she could support (candidate LR) Valérie Pécresse, five years ago she supported Emmanuel Macron in the first round, three years ago she wanted to lead a list for European women with (the environmental candidate) Yannick Jadot”, he underlined.

Asked about the weakness of the PS in this campaign, whose candidate is given between 1.5 and 3% of voting intentions, Olivier Faure said he was “lucid”, noting that “for the moment, it does not ‘hasn’t really made an impression yet’ and that ‘there is also sometimes the memory of earlier periods which makes people doubt our ability to change things’.

harsh criticism

PCF candidate Fabien Roussel also criticized the former PS candidate. “Ségolène Royal, I believe that four years ago she was looking for a ministerial post at Macron, a year ago she was looking for the nomination of the PS to become a senator, maybe now she has negotiated with Jean -Luc Mélenchon a post of deputy France insubordinate ”, he accused, saying to prefer “1,000 times the support of Marie-George Buffet than that of Ségolène Royal”.

“The zigzags of Ségolène Royal who, 15 days ago, supported Valérie Pécresse, that does not interest me”, abounded on Sud Radio Delphine Batho, the spokesperson for the environmental candidate Yannick Jadot. Ségolène Royal estimated Wednesday on BFMTV that “it is obvious that the useful vote on the left is the Mélenchon vote”, because the LFI candidate “is doing the best presidential campaign” and appears to be the “most solid” candidate.

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