Anne Hidalgo in Perpignan, RN land, to defend the values ​​of the Republic and its primary

The choice is not trivial. In Perpignan, RN city, the PS candidate in the presidential election Anne Hidalgo is holding her second campaign meeting this Sunday. The opportunity, in the lands of the extreme right, to “defend the Republic and its values” but also to maintain the pace after his call for a primary on the left.

While many, especially on the left, have joked about what they consider to be “a last-chance proposition” or “a lifeline”, the socialist candidate wants to prove that she is still there and well “determined”, despite polls which give him between 3 and 7% of the voting intentions. Its call for a primary, via the citizens’ movement of the Popular Primary, which has been arguing for a year for a single candidacy on the left, has so far been outraged by its main left-wing competitors, who have refused to participate.

“Coming to Perpignan is a clear choice”

But Anne Hidalgo says she is convinced that they will change their minds under pressure from “the people of the left”, who are “angry”. “I hear the French, and in particular those on the left, who say ‘we want this union, we cannot be in a situation where our choice would be two candidates from the extreme right and two from the right,'” he said. -she explains. From this perspective, his meeting in Perpignan, where between 800 and 1,000 people are expected, (with health pass and compulsory mask) is “an important moment to offer a different national story than the one imposed on us”, explains the mayor of Bourg -en-Bresse Jean-François Debat, close to the candidate.

“Coming to Perpignan is a clear choice. We cannot see the violence of the media debate, its far-right orientation, and not have a strong discourse on attachment to the values ​​of the Republic: solidarity, tolerance, education, access to culture , equal opportunities… ”, summarizes Carole Delga, President of the Occitanie region. “When I see the state of our country, when I see last weekend these images of incredible violence”, in reference to the meeting of Eric Zemmour, and that “a racist, xenophobic, negationist is invited, open table, without anyone coming to reproach him for his deep shortcomings in our history, that makes me angry, ”the candidate also explained on France 2.

Bring the campaign to other areas

Anne Hidalgo, who likes to repeat that she is a social democrat, in order to recall her belonging to this family which has recorded successes in Northern Europe, Spain and even Germany, finally hopes to be more audible. “We are told all day long that the only valid topic is the issue of immigration. It must be addressed of course, the issue of security too, but today what undermines our country are social injustices, it is on this that we must provide answers ”, she said. insisted.

His entourage promises a short and punchy format. The candidate should in particular summon her Spanish origins to evoke the Republicans who had taken refuge in the region to escape Francoism. An executive of the PS, critic, said to hope that it “will dismantle” the arguments of Eric Zemmour. “We should not just say that he is a puppet,” he insists, referring to the candidate’s statements on the far-right polemicist. “She is leading the battle for ideas,” confirms Johanna Rolland, her campaign manager.

Towards a withdrawal?

This meeting comes the day after the speech of the environmental candidate Yannick Jadot in Laon. And even if the latter refused the idea of ​​a primary on the left, recalling that he had withdrawn with “panache” in 2017 for the benefit of Benoît Hamon, no question of mistaking the enemy. “Our opponent is the right and the extreme right,” insists Johanna Rolland. Will this meeting be Anne Hidalgo’s last before leaving the countryside, as some whisper?

“You don’t know her well, she is not the type to retire, she is ready to retire on one condition, and that is to be beaten in a ballot,” said PS First Secretary Olivier Faure, on RTL. “The train is gone. The popular primary will take place and I will participate ”even if Yannick Jadot does not come, assured the mayor of Paris in the JDD, again calling the green candidate to “think”. And Anne Hidalgo is convinced, it is she who will win this primary…. if it really takes place.

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