Anne Hidalgo denounces the “social violence” of the retirement project at 65

Pension reform has become, in recent years, a great classic of the presidential campaign. And Emmanuel Macron’s stated desire to carry out his “project”, delayed because of the Covid-19 epidemic, makes it once again an essential theme. The Head of State, in the new version of his reform project, wants to gradually raise the retirement age to 65 years.

“Someone on the left cannot accept that we do this social violence that we are going to do in particular to the most fragile, to people who have difficult jobs, who toil all their lives and who will see their age retirement postponed to 65, that is to say at a time when they will have almost no life expectancy left, ”said Anne Hidalgo on Europe 1. The PS candidate wants to guarantee the maintenance of the legal age current age of 62 and restore, in addition to the six existing ones, the four hardship criteria removed by the outgoing president.

The mayor of Paris also estimated that the leader of the Insoumis Jean-Luc Mélenchon, at the head of the left-wing candidates in the polls, had made “a political mistake” in 2017 by refusing to choose in the second round between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen. “He had five years to try to build something else,” she pointed out. “Who prevented the rallies of the left? (…) it’s still him and his movement”.

“Is there a possibility of imagining after something with Jean-Luc Mélenchon to rebuild the left? No, because if he could have done it, he would have done it,” she said.

Relaunched on the hypothesis of a rallying to the candidate of the Popular Union, Anne Hidalgo declared that “dynamics are never created by rallies of this nature”. “The dynamics are created by the debate, by the citizen debate, by the discussion, the rapprochement on ideas, the respect of its partners”, she developed.

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