Ankara took back 2,140 migrants as part of the EU-Turkey deal

DAccording to a media report, Turkey has taken back around 2,200 migrants since 2016 as part of the refugee agreement with the European Union. Since the agreement came into force, a total of 2,140 people who had previously entered the Greek islands illegally have returned to Turkey, reported “Bild” (Monday), according to the preliminary report, citing new figures from the EU Commission.

In purely mathematical terms, the EU paid almost 4.7 million euros per migrant returned, according to the report. Conversely, as part of the deal, the EU took in 37,397 refugees from Turkey by February of this year.

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According to the report, the EU Commission also criticized the government in Ankara for refusing to take back migrants since March 2020. Since then, despite repeated requests from the Greek authorities and the EU Commission, there have been no more returns, Bild quotes from the report.

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