Animals: Bird of the Year voting begins

Bird of the Year voting begins

The Whinchat was named “Bird of the Year” by conservation groups in 2022. photo

© Patrick Pleul/zb/dpa

Who will be the successor to the Whinchat and thus “Bird of the Year” 2023? This can be voted on from today. There are several birds to choose from.

Which animal will”Bird of the Year” 2023? People can vote again on the Internet. This year there are lapwings, partridges, barn swallows, little owls and honey buzzards to choose from .

Last year, around 135,000 people took part in the election and voted the whinchat bird of the year. Many measures to protect its habitat are currently being implemented, the associations said. “Now we are looking for his successor,” said LBV biologist Angelika Nelson. This year, too, each nominated bird species represents a nature conservation issue that needs attention.

For the fourth time, people in Germany have been asked to vote for a bird of the year. This has been chosen by Nabu and LBV since 1971, but in the past experts chose the bird. Now the associations only make a pre-selection.

Interested parties can vote until October 5 at www.vogeldes On this day, the associations also want to announce the winner of the vote.


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