Animals: Baldur the dog jumps into the train and drives on alone

Baldur the dog jumps into the train and drives on alone

The police handed Baldur the dog back to his master after his train journey. Photo: Jonas Walzberg / dpa / symbol image

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Lucky again: A six-month-old dog drove a train without its master. One passenger reacted quickly.

A six-month-old dog named Baldur hopped onto a train in Münster and drove on without his master.

The police made sure that the Bernese-Sennen-und-Gordon-Setter-Mischling and his master were quickly reunited: They tweeted that they were looking for the owner of the dog – including a photo of Baldur. The master saw the tweet and then made contact, the police later said.

A passenger had seen Baldur jump on the train alone at the Munster-Roxel station and informed the police about it. About five stations further, the four-legged friend was handed over to the police in Coesfeld. The young dog was then taken to the police station. Baldur does not expect a penalty for driving in the black.


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