Animal protection in Bavaria: Farmer Klöck’s stable of the future – Bavaria

The dispute over tethering cattle has been going on for years. Federal Agriculture Minister Özdemir now wants to ban them, but there is great resistance. A young farmer from Upper Bavaria shows how even small businesses can convert an outdated stable.

There is a really good mood in farmer Stefan Klöck’s stable. In the front left the calves are lying comfortably in the straw in their box. Every now and then one stands up, trudges through the passage in the grille over to the cows and nudges one in the side with its wet snout. The cows – they lie dozing in the straw – cannot be disturbed. Only one looks over curiously, pulls her massive body up and leisurely walks to the feeding table. There she sticks her head through the bars and runs her tongue over the visitor’s shoe.

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