Andreas Kieling: Celebrity animal filmmaker kicked out of survival show

Andrew Kieling
Celebrity animal filmmaker kicked out of survival show

Animal filmmaker Andreas Kieling causes a scandal with “7 vs. Wild”.

© imago/VIADATA

Animal filmmaker Andreas Kieling is not there for the third season of “7 vs. Wild”. The reason is an incident with another candidate.

The third season of the extremely successful will be with great excitement YouTube reality show “7 vs. Wild” is expected, which reached number 1 in the German YouTube charts last year with more than eleven million views. As the makers of the survival format have now announced, Andreas Kieling (63), currently Germany’s best-known animal filmmaker, will not appear as a candidate in the new episodes from November as originally planned.

“Border crossing that we did not want to tolerate”

Nothing is currently known about the exact reasons for his expulsion before filming began in the Canadian wilderness. In a statement from “7 vs. Wild” in an Instagram story it said: “Due to an incident between Ann-Kathrin Bendixen (Monkey on Bike) and Andreas Kieling during the preparation phase in Canada, we have already decided before the suspension of the Participants decided not to let Andreas Kieling take part in the third season of ‘7 vs Wild’. It was a crossing of boundaries that we did not want to and could not tolerate.” “The shooting star Jan (Schlaufen) Lange” (24), who was on site as a reservist, stepped in as a team partner alongside Joey Kelly (50).

Ann-Kathrin Bendixen also comments

The social media adventurer Ann-Kathrin Bendixen (23), mentioned in the post, also spoke out about the matter in an Instagram story. There she wrote: “Shortly before the start of the new season ‘7 vs Wild’ there was an incident with Andreas Kieling. It was a very unpleasant border crossing for me. The production reacted immediately and excluded Andreas from his participation. Andreas has I then apologized for the incident. This means that the topic is currently ticked off for me.”


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