Andreas Isenschmid: “The elephant in the room. Proust and the Jewish culture

Marcel Proust died 100 years ago. Andreas Isenschmid presents an impressive essay on the rarely asked question of how he began to write as a Jew at a time of swelling anti-Semitism.


Hilmar Klute

Martin Walser once wrote a nice essay about the difficulties of reading Marcel Proust in such a way that at the end of the reading handy and negotiable details and objects remain in the memory. A plethora of situations crowd the reader’s imagination, writes Walser, in the form of events (walks, the famous scones taste sensation), women (Gilberte, Odette, Albertine) and men (Swann, Bloch, Norpois). A world of countless details pops up, full of references and conjectures. Walser recognized his misery when reading the seven volumes in “not being able to dispose of them intellectually”.

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