And now even the Emir of Qatar is pushing Kyky towards Real Madrid

And here we go again my Kyky. Every day (or almost), 20 minutes takes stock of the latest advances and rumors more or less based on the future of Kylian Mbappé, whose relations with PSG follow the inverse curve of global warming. Departure to Real Madrid this summer or not? Spread the word, the Mbappometer is back.

Tuesday July 11

In the movie Tanguy directed by Étienne Chatiliez, parents contrive to ruin the life of their great son, in order to encourage him to finally leave the house. Obviously, we are there at PSG with Kylian Mbappé, determined to stay at home until the end of his contract, in June 2024, before leaving without the club receiving a penny.

The Emir of Qatar Tamim ben Hamad Al Thani and the Parisian president Nasser Al-Khalaïfi have taken over the roles of André Dussollier and Sabine Azéma in order to return their brilliant but uncontrollable offspring to Real Madrid. If the ultimatum posed by “NAK” last Wednesday during the presentation of Luis Enrique marked the spirits, without necessarily moving things forward, the Qatari sovereign is also pushing hard for a departure of Kylian Mbappé, reports The Parisian.

With a double objective, not to lose face or too much money, with a view to new flashy recruitments (of the Bernardo Silva type) which would make it possible to turn a rather disastrous page for PSG. Letter exchanges could resume very quickly between the two camps.

Credibility: 80%. It seems logical that the emir in turn puts pressure as the case has taken on a dimension that goes far beyond the framework of sport.

Mbappometer: The needle leans again and again towards Florentino, who observes all this merry-go-round at the edge of his swimming pool, a smile on the corner of his lips and a very cold cerveza at hand.

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