An outbreak of bird flu detected, 43,000 ducks slaughtered in a farm

A first outbreak had already been detected on August 17 in a farm in the town of Ploërmel, resulting in the slaughter of 3,500 turkeys. The authorities announce this Thursday that a second outbreak of avian flu has been confirmed in Morbihan. He declared himself in a duck farm in Campénéac where nearly 43,000 animals were slaughtered. “The breeder will be compensated for the losses suffered”, specifies the prefecture of Morbihan.

To avoid any risk of spreading the virus to other farms, regulated protection and surveillance zones have been set up within a radius of three and ten kilometres. It concerns thirteen municipalities, five of which are located in the Côtes-d’Armor department.

A goose, a swan and a heron contaminated in Ille-et-Vilaine

Also in Brittany, where seabirds are also paying a heavy price for this epidemic, three cases of avian flu have been confirmed in wild birds in Ille-et-Vilaine. They were detected on a Guinea goose, a swan and a heron around a private pond in the town of Saint-Onen-la-Chapelle, to the west of the department. All the domestic birds present on the pond and those in the barnyard have been slaughtered.

Since August 12, a temporary control zone has been established throughout Ille-et-Vilaine. This in particular requires individuals and professionals in the poultry sector to “strictly respect biosecurity measures, in particular sheltering”, recalls the prefecture in a press release.

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