An open investigation and a soldier placed under the status of assisted witness

A judicial investigation for “rape” was opened on July 12 after accusations of an Elysee soldier against another soldier, and the latter was placed under the intermediate status of assisted witness, we learned on Friday. from a judicial source, partially confirming
information from Release.

According to this source, “the investigations are still ongoing” and the accused soldier “was placed” on July 12 following his interrogation before the investigating judge “under the status of assisted witness”, a statute less incriminating than that of indicted.

Attacked after a speech by Emmanuel Macron

In his article revealing the case, Release indicates that the facts would have occurred in the premises of the particular staff of the Élysée on July 1, on the sidelines of a departure party of three collaborators, and well after the departure of the head of state Emmanuel Macron who had given a speech in the early evening.

“A young soldier, who previously attended the departure party, said to have been subjected to sexual violence by a man, also a soldier” and “non-commissioned officer”. “The two soldiers are assigned to the special staff, work together on a daily basis and know each other”, according to the daily. The soldier would have deposited “in the hours which followed” a handrail at the police station of the 8th arrondissement, adds Liberation.

Like a Release, the Elysee said “never” to comment on “the current legal cases”, while specifying that “as soon as the facts were brought to the knowledge of the authorities, measures were immediately taken: listening, support and accompaniment of the victim, immediate assignment, far from the Elysee Palace, of the offending person ”. The Ministry of the Armed Forces declined to comment immediately.

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