An investigation opened in Bordeaux for the alleged rape of an Irish supporter

An investigation into rape of a 37-year-old woman of Irish nationality has just been opened in Bordeaux, the prosecutor’s office confirmed this Monday 20 minutes. “The events took place during the night from Sunday to Monday in a street adjacent to rue de la Rousselle in Bordeaux. The victim, present in Bordeaux as part of the Rugby World Cup, was taken care of by the police and the emergency services and was taken to hospital for examination. »

According to the statements of the victim, she would have been sexually assaulted around midnight “by several perpetrators”, who then fled, specifies AFP.

Found by Welsh supporters

The young woman was reportedly found in the street by a group of Welsh supporters, and was then heard in the accommodation she rented in the neighborhood by Irish police who were in town over the weekend, on the occasion of the Ireland-Romania match which was held on Saturday, the prosecution further indicates 20 minutes.

The investigations are in progress, “and in particular the genetic examinations on the victim and his clothes, the collection of testimonies and the study of the video protection of the district”, continues the prosecution. The investigation was entrusted to police officers from the Gironde departmental security.

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