An investigation opened for “violence” in an nursing home, after a complaint against the Emera group

An investigation targeting a nursing home in Gradignan (Gironde) was opened for “usual violence against vulnerable people”, we learned on Wednesday from the Bordeaux prosecutor’s office, after a complaint filed against the Emera group, which denies these accusations and speaks of “disinformation”.

“The hearings of the staff and the complainants are in progress,” said the prosecution. According to the lawyer of the complainant, granddaughter of a 96-year-old resident, the latter was the subject of “mistreatment” within the Douceur de France establishment, an Ehpad managed by the Emera group in the suburb of Bordeaux.

Emera’s “formal denial”

Me Pierre Farge described a “terrible” situation and mentioned another family wishing to file a complaint. The Emera group provides “a formal denial of the accusations made against [son] personnel” in a press release.

“We are particularly moved by this disinformation campaign which hits hard on our employees, who are nevertheless dedicated and deeply committed to our residents on a daily basis,” adds the company. Emera ensures that in the event of “undesirable” facts, the management of each establishment carries out an internal investigation and notifies the Regional Health Agency (ARS) concerned.

Widespread practices according to the plaintiff’s lawyer

According to Pierre Farge, who criticizes widespread and “institutional” practices, “five or six” residences for the elderly in Emera are the subject of criminal complaints or reports to the ARS almost everywhere in France, particularly in Ile-de-France. of France.

The group responds that 31 of its 47 establishments in France “have been the subject of an inspection” over the last two years, “all confirming the conformity of practices”. Six establishments were also evaluated by the High Authority for Health (HAS) with scores between 3.6 and 3.98 out of 4, Emera argued.

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