An investigation opened after the death of a seasonal worker in a Barèges hotel

What happened Tuesday in a hotel in the Pyrenees resort of Barèges, nestled at the foot of Tourmalet (Hautes-Pyrénées)? The deployment of gendarmes and scientific police technicians did not fail to astonish tourists. It followed the discovery, inside the establishment, of the lifeless body of a seasonal worker in his fifties.

Bérangère Prud’homme, the public prosecutor of Tarbes, confirms 20 minutes that she opened an investigation for “intentional violence leading to death without intention of causing it”.

An argument and questions

The death was indeed surrounded by murky circumstances since it was preceded by an argument between the victim and another hotel employee. Did this altercation lead, indirectly or not, to the death? The autopsy carried out on Wednesday at the Toulouse forensic institute did not completely rule out this possibility: “The results tend towards the absence of intervention by a third party, which however remains possible; analyses, particularly toxicological, are necessary,” the Tarbes prosecutor indicated this Thursday morning. The investigation, entrusted to the Argelès-Gazost gendarmerie brigade, continues.

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