An investigation for “kidnapping and forcible confinement” opened after the disappearance of Justine, 20 years old

The public prosecutor of Brive (Corrèze) announced on Tuesday the opening of an investigation in flagrance of the head of “kidnapping and forcible confinement” after the disappearance of Justine Vayrac, Sunday around 4 a.m., near the “La Charette” nightclub in Brive.

“Numerous witnesses were heard, who testify that Justine Vayrac was seen for the last time in the company of a young man, not far from the night establishment, when she had gone out to get some fresh air, says prosecutor Emilie Abrantes. This man would be a friendly acquaintance, met a few times in the nightclub. »

The individual taken into custody

The individual was placed in police custody this Tuesday at 9:45 a.m., “in order to verify and cross-check” certain elements. Justine Vayrac’s vehicle was found near the nightclub, “open and containing personal effects. The research “to retrace the journey” of the young woman has not been conclusive at this stage.

The disappearance of this Lotoise, who lives in the town of Tauriac, was widely shared on social networks. She had gone to Brive to spend an evening with friends. The young woman and her group went to a bar in the city, then to a nightclub. This is where she would have felt bad after drinking several glasses of alcohol, and would have expressed the wish to go to sleep in her car.

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