An interministerial crisis unit on Saturday at 6 p.m. chaired by Darmanin and Lecornu

An interministerial crisis unit will be chaired this Saturday at 6 p.m. by Interior Ministers Gérald Darmanin and Overseas Ministers Sébastien Lecornu on the subject of violence in Guadeloupe linked to the mobilization against the health pass, we learned from of the two ministries.

“The two ministers Darmanin and Lecornu will chair this meeting to see what new measures can be taken following the public order disturbances of recent days,” Sébastien Lecornu’s entourage told AFP. “The ministers condemn the violence that took place last night and give their full support to the police. 29 individuals were arrested last night, ”said Beauvau for his part.

Blockages still very active

The prefect of Guadeloupe announced on Friday the establishment of an immediate curfew between 6 pm and 5 am, “given the social movements underway in the department and acts of vandalism”. The government announced to send “in the coming days” 200 police and gendarmes to strengthen the police force, while violence and blockades are increasing.

Blockades resumed Saturday morning in Guadeloupe, after another night of looting and fires during which police and gendarmes were targeted by gunfire, despite the curfew imposed in the face of the degradation of the anti-health pass mobilization .

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