An innovative tool to better detect burnout among farmers

The overload of work, treasuries in the red and the vagaries of the weather are pushing farmers to the limit. According to the most recent figures from the MSA (Agricultural Social Mutual Fund), in 2016 and 2019, 250 farmers and agricultural workers, mostly men, took their own lives. A number that is undoubtedly underestimated.

In 2021, to try to stem suicides in the agricultural world, the government unveiled a plan, with the creation, in particular, of steering committees, or a network of sentinels, dedicated to intervening with the most vulnerable farmers. . Insufficient measures, far from being up to the task, deplored the association Solidarité peasantson February 28, after observing the application of this roadmap for a year.

Stressors and Satisfiers

In Montpellier (Hérault), Olivier Torres has developed an innovative tool, intended to fight against the malaise of farmers. But the approach of this professor and lecturer, expert in the economic fabric, differs from the proposals that have been piling up on the desks of the Ministry of Agriculture for years. Amarok e-Santé Agri allows farmers to assess their condition, by identifying “the professional and personal stressors and satisfiers” of their existence. “We measure the negative factors, but also the positive factors,” says Olivier Torres. And that is new.

This professor has been working for many years to ensure that the public authorities take into account the health of independent entrepreneurs (entrepreneurs, traders, craftsmen, etc.). 14 years ago, Olivier Torres created an observatory in Montpellier, Amarok, intended to collect knowledge in this field. “I even said at the time that there were more statistics on the health of blue whales than on that of entrepreneurs! “recalls the professor. Building on the success of this innovative observatory, adopted by many occupational health services in France, Olivier Torres and his team have adapted their system to the agricultural world.

“Agricultural life is not limited to work”

Solicited by their Social Security organizations or their professional chambers, farmers who so wish can thus assess their physical and psychological condition, online, in a few clicks. Depending on what they are going through, they can indicate on this platform, for example, that their customers are satisfied with their work, that they have just expanded their farm, or that their livestock or crops are doing well. . But also that they face disastrous climatic hazards, that they have trouble coping with the tax burden, or that the money is lacking. But “agricultural life is only limited to work”, explains Olivier Torres. Amarok e-Santé Agri also allows farmers to talk about their family context, “very significant among farmers”, the celebration of a personal festive event, or the failing health of a loved one.

Amarok e-Santé Agri allows farmers to find out what characterizes their current life. – N. Bonzom / Maxele Presse

Once they have fully understood what characterizes their current life, a scale tells them whether or not they should spare themselves. If the platform detects an urgent situation, it invites farmers to respond to an additional test. And if a probable burn-out is detected, Amarok e-Santé Agri offers them to be called back, anonymously, by a specialized psychologist. The advantage of this tool is that the farmers are alone, in front of their computer. And that is essential. “There is a social desirability, which requires us to want to appear in good shape, says Olivier Torres. When I created the Amarok observatory, at the beginning, it was my doctoral students who called people directly. We had detected a certain level of exhaustion. But when we switched to an online questionnaire, the exhaustion increased dramatically! Because people were much more honest with themselves. »

Professor Olivier Torres and psychologist Laure Chanselme from the Amarok observatory.
Professor Olivier Torres and psychologist Laure Chanselme from the Amarok observatory. – Alexandre Benzari

“Before, I set up toll-free numbers”

The other advantage of this device is that it also evokes the joys that the profession of farmer offers. “Before, I set up toll-free numbers”, like everyone else, explains the professor. For it to be effective, you are obliged to say “Call, if you are not well”, continues the professor. We always communicate in a negative way. With Amarok e-Santé Agri, we have also integrated satisfyers. The message therefore becomes positive. When a farmer experiences more positive than negative factors, he is told “Very good, keep it up!” “In the agricultural world, “there are not only difficult situations, confides Bernard Lacour, breeder, president of the Chamber of Agriculture of Saône-et-Loire, and partner of the device. If the ill-being is a reality, there is also a well-being of the farmers. And for those who are doing well, we must avoid collective depression, and consolidate the hope we can have in agriculture. »

Of the 714 farmers who have so far carried out this test, 53 potential burnouts have been detected. And 28 grabbed the hand extended by the observatory. “The biggest benefit [de cet outil] is to have found a means allowing the heads of agricultural companies, in complete privacy, to be able to express themselves on their personal situation”, continues the Burgundian breeder. “Farmers tend to forget themselves and favor their business to their detriment. It is not in their culture to go see a doctor, let alone a psychologist. However, the device allows you to express your feelings while guaranteeing anonymity. And if necessary, the farmer has the possibility of contacting a health specialist without going to consult. He doesn’t have to physically move. »

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