An impressive waterspout filmed off Penmarc’h

Finistère had been placed on orange alert to strong winds, for the day and night from Monday to Tuesday. If the passage of the storm Claudio did not cause too much damage, it gave rise to a rather unusual phenomenon. While the winds had dropped a little in intensity, an impressive waterspout formed on Tuesday around 4:15 p.m. off Penmarc’h, at the extreme southern tip of Brittany.

Several people filmed the phenomenon and posted their images on social networks. We see an impressive column of water swirling above the sea. the Keraunos observatory, the waterspout would have formed “at the western tip of a small convective system which developed shortly after a temporary stormy activity”. Showered by showers, Finistère cultivated the ingredients necessary for the formation of such a waterspout. As very cold air circulated over a relatively warm sea, violent swirling winds created the phenomenon.

Often harmless, the waterspout usually disappears as it approaches land. The air column is exactly like a tornado except that it forms over water. No damage was reported. If the phenomenon is frequent in certain seas such as the Adriatic or the Aegean Sea, it is rarer in regions where the waters are colder such as Brittany.

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