An impossible duty? Connect your struggling children with expert teachers

Small, we would have needed a math teacher at home, to solve these irritating problems of derivative functions, equations with two unknowns or calculation of the cosine. Thanks to technology, it’s now possible: if your children get stuck on a somewhat convoluted exercise (and you too, because, after all, these things are far behind), there’s the application Quick a teacher. Created in Nîmes (Gard), this mobile software, downloadable from the App Store and Google Play, allows, in the event of a hard blow during homework, to contact a teacher, to overcome this damn story of a bathtub that empty and filling up (Raaah, that bathtub!).

Simply select a subject (mathematics, science, economics, geography, English, philosophy, etc.), choose the time you want to spend with the teacher (twenty, forty or sixty minutes) and describe the problem encountered . The application is responsible for sending a notification to all teachers likely to help the struggling student. The first to accept the mission then intervenes in video, to solve this abominable DM.

“A course for the student to understand”

“Our average reaction time is thirty seconds,” says Sacha Lehmany, the co-creator of Vite un prof. But the idea is not that the teacher completes the homework instead of the student, and that’s it. The objective is that the teacher gives a lesson, so that the student understands. More than a thousand teachers are now connected to this innovative platform. They come from the secondary level, but also from universities and colleges, among the most prestigious. They are paid 15 euros net per hour. And for families, it costs between 21 and 30 euros per hour.

For now, Vite un prof is only for middle and high school students. But the team is working so that hours of lessons will soon be offered to the little ones, but above all… To the older ones. “Because that’s where there is a real need, after the baccalaureate. That’s when a lot of people find themselves on their own, without benchmarks and without working methods,” continues the entrepreneur from Nîmes.

The application is currently only available for middle and high school students, but the team is working on accessibility for the little ones, and above all, for the older ones. – Quick a teacher

A teacher “as quickly as you order a pizza”

It was by taking the lead on an exercise, while they were in an engineering school, that Sacha Lehmany and Grégory Hissiger, the creators of Vite un prof, had the idea of ​​developing the application. “We struggled on our revisions, says Sacha Lehmany. We realized that we spent hours looking for what someone in the know would have explained to us in two minutes. That day, we had ordered a pizza. It was when we saw the delivery man arrive in a few minutes that we had the click! We said to ourselves that we should be able to call on a teacher as quickly as we order a pizza. »

Sacha Lehmany and Grégory Hissiger are not alone in this promising adventure: twelve people make up the team, in particular Christophe Duhamel, co-founder of Marmiton, and Thierry Boisnon, who was one of the thinking heads of Nokia. The Vite un prof application, which has experienced exponential growth since its launch at the start of the school year, has launched a fundraising campaign with private investors of 1.2 million euros.

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