An escape game offers to help Malraux save the Grand Palais

Solve a survey for Heritage Days… Challenge accepted! On the program this Saturday and Sunday under the sign of culture, the ephemeral Grand Palais offers two outdoor escape games. Two scenarios are offered by the Quaestyo application.

The first experience invites you to dive into the heart of a flight, and not the least, since it is about Flora, the flagship work of the exhibition. The inauguration is approaching and the affair is already making the buzz on social networks. The participants join a team of YouTubers to save the opening ceremony.

The second adventure invites you to immerse yourself in the 1960s. You are in 1962, an urban project threatens the Grand Palais with destruction. The Minister of Culture André Malraux wants to keep it, but he is alone. Can you save the monument? It’s up to you !

Both events are free, require a charged smartphone and to register online on the website of Quaestyo.

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