An “equality train” will raise awareness among travelers, first stopover in Nantes

Sexual harassment, discrimination, domestic violence… A traveling exhibition, inaugurated on Saturday in a train parked in Paris, must travel across France for ten days in order to raise the awareness of thousands of people about gender equality. This Sunday, this particular train stops at Nantes station, before stages in Bordeaux, Toulouse, Marseille, Grenoble, Lyon, Strasbourg, Lille and Paris, by March 7.

In each city, local associations will animate the educational spaces and will offer conferences. Visitors will be able to learn how to react to street harassment, or learn about endometriosis, revenge-porn or wage inequalities.

“Giving tools to act”

The exhibition could be seen by some 10,000 people, including many travelers whom it is a question of attracting “between two trains”, indicated Anne-Cécile Mailfert, the president of the Women’s Foundation which set up this “awareness-raising and educational operation”, in collaboration with associations such as Family Planning or the National Federation of Women’s Solidarity (which manages the 3919 call number against domestic violence). The mornings will be reserved for classes of high school and college students, because it is important to “unravel very early on the representations and clichés that lead to violence and discrimination”, underlined Anne-Cécile Mailfert.

The challenge is also to “provide the tools to act: how to react if I am paid less than my male colleague, or if I have the impression that what I am experiencing in my couple is not normal and comes under domestic violence,” she said. At each stage, feminist associations will put forward their “emergency pact for equality”, a series of ten measures that they submit to the presidential candidates. Among their proposals: a budget of one billion euros per year to fight against domestic violence, the organization of a “Grenelle of equal pay”, or even the improvement of access to abortion. .

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