An ephemeral Harry Potter escape game in Paris to save Muggles

Hogwarts needs help! The forces of evil prowl and all wizards are called for help to fight against the one whose name we do not pronounce. This is essentially the scenario of the escape game “Le Défi des sorciers” which opened on December 27 at the Italie 2 shopping center in the 13th arrondissement of Paris.

“Your mission if you accept it, is to go and retrieve a ring which is actually a small piece of the protection talisman. As soon as they arrive, the young wizards are given (pumpkin) juice by Margaux, an experienced witch who will guide them in their quest. The adventure that the brave budding wizards have to go through is divided into five rooms, each representing a test to pass.

Seasoned witches guide the children in the adventure. – R. Le Dourneuf

“The wizarding challenge is both an escape game, an exhibition and a play in which you are the hero”, says Olivier Pesch, a sort of local Dumbledore, but who presents himself to Muggles as the director of Secret Studio, the company creating the attraction.

Holograms, special effects, projections, sounds… All the senses are solicited to reach the end of this quest. To take advantage of this, there is no timer inside the Wizarding Challenge. Thus, everyone can take the time necessary to solve the puzzles. Margaux and Jason, two witches, simply take care of circulating the groups so that no one steps on each other.

Ready to board for Hogwarts?
Ready to board for Hogwarts? – R. Le Dourneuf

Time, it didn’t take much time for Greta and Théoline, two 9-year-old twins, to solve the puzzles in the first room “La Gare”. Under the panel for track 9 ¾ which leads to Hogwarts, they brilliantly thwarted all the traps. It must be said that their scarf betrays a membership in the Gryffindor house. Under the watchful eye of their dad, Guillaume, who has (almost) not helped them, they head for the second room, the “Garden of Shadows” where they will have to repress their fear of the Death Eaters to continue their journey.

An immersive experience for young and old alike

It must be said that the organizers of the escape game did not skimp on the means to make the experience as immersive as possible. Forty fir trees, a real London telephone box, 1,700 bricks to reconstruct the wall of the station, 1.7 km of fake plants in the garden and 67 rolls of wallpaper inside. It took a month and a half for the Secret Studio teams to recreate the universe. “It’s a course on the theme of wizards unique in Europe, exclaims Olivier Pesch, for an activity that is not directly under license with Warner. »

An immersive Harry Potter escape game for children.
An immersive Harry Potter escape game for children. – R. Le Dourneuf

Even the Marauder’s Map is present to guide sorcerer’s apprentices on their journey. Milan and Sarah, both 21, stay a few moments admiring it before heading into the third room, that of the library where the invisibility cloak awaits them. Bathed in the world of Harry Potter since childhood, fans regret not having dared to bring their wand to protect themselves from a possible assailant: “We are like kids, we want to try everything, everything to touch. » Puzzle solved, chest open, clue in hand, their wish is granted in the next room, inspired by Quidditch.

The wizards leave with a piece of the talisman

In this larger than life trophy room, they succeed César, 5 years old. Arguably the bravest of wizards the challenge has seen long past. Motivated like no other to destroy the evil plans of who you know, he scrutinizes the smallest details of the last room, the invisible classroom. If usually, he turns to his mother Anastasia to ask her for a little help, this time he is totally captivated by what is in front of him and what he was waiting for more than anything: the famous magic Sorting Hat. He is so impressed that he doesn’t even notice the gigantic white spider hovering over him, ready to pounce on him. Barely regained his senses, that Caesar solves the last enigma and wins the Grail of the day, the piece of talisman that he can take with him to protect all Muggles who do not suspect the danger outside. Before going out as an accomplished sorcerer, he will still take a short tour of the escape game shop where he will find chopsticks, figurines and butterbeer, to the delight of his mother.

Arachnophobes may need to hurry up at times.
Arachnophobes may need to hurry up at times. – R. Le Dourneuf

Like Caesar, 3,500 people have already come to test themselves against the forces of evil during the month of January and 1,500 others have already reserved their places for February. Those who have not yet reserved their place would do well to hurry because the agenda fills up quickly between now and March 6, the end date of the activity. “Some owls are spreading the rumor that the Wizards’ Challenge will be extended, but we don’t yet know for how long,” rejoices Olivier Pesch, who hopes to postpone the final sweep at the latest.

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