An electric bus catches fire on boulevard Saint-Germain in Paris

The first images are impressive. A bus on line 86 of the RATP caught fire this Monday afternoon around 4:15 p.m. at 64 boulevard Saint-Germain, near the Maubert-Mutualité stop. And the first videos of the fire, which quickly circulated on social networks, show a bus enveloped in flames, all emitting heavy black smoke.

“About twenty firefighters intervened on this electric bus fire, explains Captain Lointier, communication officer of the Paris fire brigade (BSPP). Fortunately there are no injuries to be deplored, neither among the passengers of the bus who were evacuated before the arrival of help, nor in the buildings opposite. “For its part, the RATP confirms the absence of injuries and adds:” The bus driver was able to evacuate the travelers immediately. The machinist was taken care of by his management.

An hour after the fire started, it was declared extinguished. At this time, the cause of the accident remains unknown. But specifies the RATP, “an investigation is underway to determine the causes of the incident”.

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