an Ehpad victim of a cyberattack in Eure

Four days after that against the South Francilien Hospital Center (CHSF) in Corbeil-Essonnes, a new cyberattack targeted the Ehpad of Beuzeville (Eure)this Wednesday, said the Le Havre hospital group, support hospital for the establishment for the elderly, which ensures that the care of patients was “not impacted”.

This attack carried out “using a cryptolocker” resulted in “an inaccessible information system” and “sensitive data was encrypted”, specified the communication department of the Le Havre hospital.

A “white plan” triggered

The computer network of the other establishments of the hospital group has been isolated and the process of returning to normal is underway, according to the hospital. The management, which had not received a “formal ransom demand”, announced that it will file a complaint. The Cryptolocker software, which appeared in 2013, encrypts data on targeted servers and demands a ransom, most often payable in cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, to break the encryption.

A “white plan” was triggered and a crisis unit made up of 14 people activated, according to a press release from the hospital management. “Patient care is not impacted”, he underlines.

A ransom demand for the Sud Francilien Hospital Center

In this Ehpad, where 55 agents work for 60 residents, “the incident remains relatively isolated, there are ten computer stations and a server concerned. Degraded procedures have been put in place but there is not the same impact as in a hospital”, estimated the communication department.

The computer attack against the Sud Francilien Hospital Center (CHSF) in Corbeil-Essonnes, south-east of Paris, on the night of Saturday to Sunday severely disrupted its services. A ransom demand of 10 million dollars, formulated in English, was demanded by the hacker(s).

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