An alpine ballet brings the high altitude rush at the Gärtnerplatztheater – Munich

As a precaution, strobe-like effects are warned of in this new ballet production at the Gärtnerplatztheater. So it can flicker and flicker on stage and therefore be a bit overwhelming for the eye. Delusions of the senses are also the theme of Georg Reischl’s new dance piece “Höhenrausch – Ein Alpenballett”, which premieres on June 1st in the Gärtnerplatztheater. The choreographer knows his stuff, he comes from the Salzburg region.

Anyone who carelessly climbs up there can get mountain sickness up there. In his ballet he combines the atmosphere and traditions of his homeland with the language of movement of contemporary dance. At Reischl, the high altitude becomes a symbol of our society, which often wants to climb too high too quickly. People dance to the music of a composer with a close relationship to the mountains: Anton Bruckner’s Symphony No. 4 “The Romantic”

“Höhenrausch – Ein Alpenballett”, premiere Thursday, June 1st, 7.30 p.m., information and tickets at

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