Amber Heard brings Kate Moss into the game – Johnny Depp is happy

On the witness stand
Why Amber Heard Mentioned Kate Moss — And Played It Into Johnny Depp’s Hands

Amber Heard on the witness stand

© Jim Lo Scalzo / Picture Alliance

During her testimony in court, Amber Heard also mentioned top model Kate Moss, trying to emphasize that she became violent in self-defense.

Last week, Amber Heard testified for the first time in the Virginia defamation trial, mentioning several alleged incidents of domestic violence. Johnny Depp repeatedly hit, pushed and abused her, according to the “Aquaman” actress.

Amber Heard explains why she hit Johnny Depp

She recalled an incident from 2015. Depp had an argument with Heard’s sister Whitney, Amber Heard said. She didn’t hesitate to intervene. “Whitney had his back to the stairs and Johnny was hitting her,” Heard testified. “I’m not hesitating, I’m not waiting — I immediately think of Kate Moss and the stairs in my head. And I punched him,” she recalled.

The actress then explained exactly what she meant by Kate Moss. “I remembered information I had heard that he pushed a former girlfriend – I think it was Kate Moss – down the stairs,” she said.

Kate Moss and Johnny Depp

Kate Moss and Johnny Depp dated for four years in the ’90s. The relationship is said to have been tumultuous. Today the two speak in good tones of each other. In a 2012 interview with Vanity Fair magazine, Moss revealed that Depp was one of her confidants. “There’s no one who ever really cared about me. Johnny did for a while. I believed what he said. For example, if I asked, ‘What should I do?’, he would tell me. And I missed that when I left. I really lost the feeling that I could trust anyone,” she said at the time.

As early as 2020, Amber Heard brought up Kate Moss’ name in a survey. The supermodel herself has not yet commented on her ex-boyfriend’s defamation lawsuit. The piquancy: The moment Heard mentioned Moss on the witness stand, Depp’s attorney raised his fist and smiled. Johnny Depp himself grinned too. A video of it went viral.

Analyzing the scene on her Tik Tok profile, journalist Shannon Hill said: By bringing up Kate Moss’ name, Amber Heard has allowed Depp’s team to put the model on the witness stand. Where she could then testify for the actor.

“That push from Kate Moss down the stairs isn’t first hand evidence, Amber wasn’t there. I think Johnny’s team will bring Kate Moss into play during the refutation.” Hill explained that “a rebuttal witness is a witness called to refute a statement already made.”

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