Amazon offers private 5G networks – and delivers in a few days

Not by Prime
Private 5G in just a few days: Amazon will soon be selling cellular networks

The 5G expansion in Germany is in full swing

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Corporate customers will soon be able to order customized 5G networks from Amazon. However, the Internet giant does not deliver quite as quickly as with Prime.

As is well known, almost everything is available as fast home delivery at the retail giant Amazon. When it comes to the recently announced product, however, many people should rub their eyes in amazement: The company offers mobile networks for the new 5G standard as a simple order option “with just a few clicks”. But you will not be able to order it via Prime: There is nothing behind it Amazons Trading platform, but the infrastructure division AWS.

The false impression that Amazon offers its 5G solutions as “private networks” does not help. In doing so, Amazon does not differentiate private customers from corporate customers, but only private from public networks: The AWS offer is not about freely accessible wireless networks like those of the major network operators. Instead, they are aimed at companies that can set up their own wireless network on their company premises, to which only company devices have access.

5G straight out of the box

This possibility is considered to be one of the main advantages of the new cellular standard. With faster connection speeds, better support for many devices in a radio cell and a connection delay close to zero, it also offers advantages for other cell phone users. For industry, the ability to set up your own networks is worth gold. Not only can larger systems be easily supplied with a secure network, it also offers completely new possibilities. In the future, even individual machine parts should be radio-capable and be able to report their wear status.

At Amazon’s AWS, this can be booked as a complete package under the name “Wavelenght”. The ordering process, shown in a simple graphic, is also reminiscent of the private mail order business: Customers put together their network with just a few clicks, Amazon promises delivery in a few days. And then erect the masts on site, the customers only have to activate their network and insert the SIM cards, according to Amazon. Operation and setup work via the AWS console, and the network can be expanded if necessary.

Discussion about the harmfulness of 5G - long-term studies are lacking

The offer should be of interest to medium-sized companies. While the global corporations can take care of setting up the networks at one location with their own departments, operators of individual factories or production sites should appreciate the conception and delivery from a single source.

German industrial customers will have to be patient: Wavelength will initially only be offered in the USA, in selected markets in Asia and in London as the only European location. The group has not yet revealed whether and when the 5G delivery service will also be available in the rest of the world. For many private users, 5G is likely to be part of everyday life by then: The network expansion is even going faster than the providers planned.

Source:Amazon AWS

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