Amazon does not go to Allgäu Airport – Bavaria

There will be no Amazon logistics center at Allgäu Airport. The airport has announced that it regrets the group’s decision not to move into a logistics property planned by the airport as a tenant. “After months of constructive discussions and the prospect of being able to settle one of the most successful companies in the world with a location at Allgäu Airport, we are of course disappointed.” Ultimately, however, one can understand the development, since the process had dragged on for a very long time. There has been stiff opposition to the plans in the region over alleged precarious employment and concerns about regional trade. Conservationists also protested. Originally, the distribution center should have been built on an area in the “Gewerbepark am Allgäu Airport GmbH”, in which several municipalities and districts from the region are also involved. Due to persistent criticism, the airport finally decided to build a property on its own land and rent it to Amazon.

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