Amazon: Brazen employee steals hundreds of products and sells them privately

Brazen theft: Amazon boss steals goods on a large scale and sends them home himself

Packages in an Amazon warehouse. One employee just helped himself.

© Jens Büttner/ / Picture Alliance

In the US state of North Carolina, an Amazon operations manager stole and resold goods for over a year. It was a tolerable deal for him, totaling almost $300,000. Now the 27-year-old from Charlotte had to answer to the court: he could face a long prison sentence.

From June 2020 to September 2021, Amazon operations manager Douglas Wright Jr. used his company account to steal certain goods. He then created UPS shipping labels and shipped the goods to his home. Among the loot: Computer parts in particular, including internal hard drives, processors and graphics processors.

Internal theft: Amazon employees resold goods privately

Last Friday, the Amazon operations manager had to answer in court for his in-house spree of thieves. The 27-year-old admitted he sold the stolen goods to a computer wholesaler in California for 40 percent more than the original price. The stolen computer parts had a total value of around 273,000 dollars, which is the equivalent of around 239,000 euros.

Sentence pending: long detention possible

According to the US court, Wright has pleaded guilty to mail fraud. A crime that can carry a heavy penalty. For his actions threaten the former Amazon– Plant manager now up to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000. According to the competent public prosecutor’s office, it is not yet clear when his verdict will be announced.

Sources:law enforcement agencies

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