Amateur theater in Munich: A selection of special ensembles – Munich

Entity Theatre

Award-winning theater with international charm shows the English language Entity Theatre. Founded in 1999 for expats, today people of all nationalities come together to play theatre. Makrand Mujumdar, the director of the current production “Constellations”, joined the theater in 2015, shortly after moving to Germany: “Entity made me feel like I belonged somewhere.” Entity hosts workshops and stage plays for spring and fall. In the summer, the group performs Shakespeare plays in the Westpark’s Theatron. However, you do not have to be a member to participate. Participation in the projects is advertised via a mailing list, and anyone who is interested registers. As with the professionals, there is a casting process for the distribution of roles. You do not have to prove a certain language level. But you should have a clear pronunciation if you want to play, said Mujumdar. The organization begins about three to four months before the performance, with rehearsals twice a week. Entity’s productions have won various awards at the Festival of European Anglophone Theatrical Societies. May 12 has constellations Premiered at the Pepper Theater and asks the question “What if?”. A good opportunity to get a taste of the entity feeling.


Florian Paulus (right) as Herr Blaha and Andreas Müller, who is also the director of the play, in the role of General Prager in “War on the Third Floor”, a satire about the war by Pavel Kohout.

(Photo: Florian Paulus)

From the student residence to Munich’s cabaret stages. What in 1995 was still a unique project by theater-loving students from the student residence in Heiglhofstraße is today an amateur ensemble that can look back on 40 theater projects with more than 180 participants. There is usually a production in spring and autumn, which is presented in the Pasing factory and in the Einstein Kultur. The range is wide: tragedies, tabloid comedies, classics, contemporary, self-written. “We are curious about theater in all forms,” ​​says the eldest of the theater Heiglhoftheaters, who can only be addressed by his stage name “Zimmi”. He has been there since 1998.

The amateur ensemble welcomes new members, no matter how experienced they are. “Anyone who wants to get involved in the theater is welcome, whether on, behind or next to the stage. “We really find space for everyone,” says the current resident director Andreas Müller. A message via the contact form on the website is enough. The members decide democratically which play is to be played. The proposer takes over the direction and is therefore temporarily the organizer of the group. There are rehearsals twice a week. Those who would like to get to know the group can watch the current production “War on the Third Floor”, May 12-14 in the Pasing factory is played. Müller changed the comedy to the current situation. By the way, parts of the proceeds are donated to the Ukrainehilfe.

The South Game

Amateur drama in Munich: Matthias Obermeier in the role of the officer who in "A dream game" desperately and in vain for his beloved Victoria.

Matthias Obermeier in the role of the officer who desperately and in vain waits for his beloved Victoria in “Ein Traumspiel”.

(Photo: Christina Schwartzer)

Anyone who wants to play amateur theater under professional direction is at the south game at the right address. Here the Berlin actor and director Martin Decker directs. The Südspiel emerged in autumn 2019 from a few smaller clubs in the south of Munich. There are currently 18 active members on various stages, most notably the celebration work, stand. The motto is “We do everything, just no peasant theater”. They also claim to include current topics such as the Corona crisis or the Ukraine war in their productions. “We try to strike that balance between entertainment and entitlement,” said Decker. Anyone who would like to take part can send an e-mail and try out a sample. This usually takes place once a week. Decker begins with warm-ups, which use physical and vocal exercises to prepare for the game. There is also singing: “It just helps for the whole voice and presence when you stand there and have sung,” says Decker, who himself comes from the musical field. Again and again he invites trained actors to rehearsals. “This combination of occasionally bringing in professionals makes it even livelier, and you also notice that our gap isn’t that big.” Anyone who would like to see this for themselves can watch the current production “Ein Traumspiel” from May 13th to 15th in the House for further education in Neubiberg watch.

Theater company Tgsm

Amateur drama in Munich: The frog got the golden ball out of the fountain, now he wants something in return: "The Frog Prince" with Lothar Bruns, Bruno Gouat and Anja Kleine-Kleffmann (from left).

The frog got the golden ball out of the fountain, now he wants something in return: “The Frog King” with Lothar Bruns, Bruno Gouat and Anja Kleine-Kleffmann (from left).

(Photo: Marc Kleine-Kleffmann)

daily, which stands for both the Siemens Munich theater group and the South Munich theater group. Two different clubs, but one cooperation agreement and one ensemble. Together they have already played 180 pieces in 64 years. The ensemble puts on two stage productions every year. The genres are diverse and there is only one exclusion criterion: “We don’t play dialect theater,” says Lothar Bruns, chairman of the Siemens Munich theater group. There are also children’s plays, for example for the Advent season and improv theatre. With their performances, the Tgsm is on the road on many Munich stages. Since the lockdown in 2020, they have also been streaming their pieces. Such a digital staging of scenes from Goethe’s Faust won the Amarena Prize of the Association of German Amateur Theaters in 2022. The ensemble usually rehearses two to three evenings a week. Anyone who would like to take part in this theatrical variety can contact us via a contact form on the website, or the current production Pastorale or The Time for Cocoa visit, which is performed on several weekends in May and July in the Neubiberg elementary school, the Kultur-Etage, the Pasinger Fabrik and the Pepper.

s’ Moosacher Brett’l

Amateur play in Munich: Gendarme Häflinger catches the two robbers, who pretend to be the new village priest and his parish cook, breaking into the sacristy (Christian Lauß, Christiane Hanak, Andreas Baumer, from left): scene from the play "Since Rauberpfaff".

Gendarme Häflinger catches the two robbers, who pretend to be the new village priest and his parish cook, breaking into the sacristy (Christian Lauß, Christiane Hanak, Andreas Baumer, from left): Scene from the play “Da Rauberpfaff”.

(Photo: Steve Böhme/Moosacher Brett’l)

s’Moosacher Brett’l has set itself the task of maintaining the Bavarian language. Since the club was founded in 1982, the troupe has staged various dialect plays and rewritten tabloid plays on Bavarian culture and locations. But not all of the 65 members speak Bavarian. This tends to benefit the pieces, in which different dialects often meet. “Bring joy in playing”, that’s all what the first board member Susi Thullner wants from the newcomers. Those who are curious can contact us by e-mail and will then be invited to the next regulars’ table to get to know each other. In addition to preparatory meetings, events for the members of the association take place again and again throughout the year, for example joint visits to inns and beer gardens. Rehearsals for the two annual productions in March and November take place about eight to ten weeks before the premiere. During this period, three times a week in Hacklhaus rehearsed at Moosacher St.-Martins-Platz. Intensive preparation flows into the authentic costumes for pieces with a historical context. “A lot of attention to detail is required,” says Thullner. A new piece is currently being planned. According to Thullner, there should be a very special theater candy for the fortieth anniversary.

Progetto Quindici

Amateur drama in Munich: Rocco (Walter Tagliabue, sitting) learns that his wife has died: Scene from "Dolore sotto chiave" (pain under lock and key) des "Progetto Quindici".

Rocco (Walter Tagliabue, seated) learns that his wife has died: Scene from “Dolore sotto chiave” (Pain under lock and key) of the “Progetto Quindici”.

(Photo: Mathias Falco)

Bella Italia on stage: Lovers of the Italian language are there Progetto Quindici correct. Since 2015 – hence the name “Project Fifteen” – the ensemble has been staging plays in Italian. “There is no entrance exam in Italian, but you have to have a good enough command of the Italian language to dare to enter a theater in Munich,” explains CEO Ulrico Peckelsen. Interested parties are best advised to send an email. The ensemble plays in various Munich theaters in spring and autumn, including the Gasteig. However, the next performance will not be until September.

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