Amateur seamstresses make heart cushions to provide relief to cancer patients

It is an idea born in 2001 in the mind of an oncologist practicing in the United States. The man gave a heart-shaped pillow to one of his nurses, who had breast cancer. Since then, the idea has spread to spread around the world. Designed in cotton with 170 grams of padding, this pillow is used to relieve post-breast cancer pain by reducing the tension due to surgery for women who have had a mastectomy.

Tuesday evening, a hundred copies of all colors were delivered to the Eugène-Marquis anti-cancer treatment center, located in Rennes. All were sewn by employees of the CPAM, who brought back their sewing machines to launch clothing workshops in the various health insurance services. This local initiative was born last year in the ranks of the CPAM. Deprived of all the events related to Pink October due to the Covid-19 epidemic, employees had the idea of ​​making these cushions, on the
model shared by the League against cancer.

Bags to hide care

This year, amateur seamstresses have also produced around fifty “redon bags” intended to hide a drain connecting the wound to a pouch that women must wear about five days after their operation.

Nearly 60,000 breast cancers, the first to affect women, are detected each year in France. In Ille-et-Vilaine, 3,000 women are screened each month.

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