Always cold feet? These tips will warm you up

Icy toes
That is why many women always have cold feet in winter

On cold days, many women suffer from cold feet more quickly than men

© elenaleonova / Getty Images

As soon as the temperatures drop, many women are increasingly suffering from cold feet. However, there is a very simple explanation for this – and also more than one solution, how the frosty toes can quickly warm up again.

In contrast to men, women consume significantly less energy, which means that their bodies produce less heat and cool down more quickly. But why is it mainly the feet that freeze first on cold days? There is a very simple reason for this: our organism is designed to protect all important organs that are located inside the body and can only work smoothly at a body temperature of around 37 degrees. So if we expose ourselves to low temperatures, our body tries to keep the heat where it is needed most. This in turn has the consequence that our vessels in the limbs constrict and are less well supplied with blood. Due to the higher basal metabolic rate, men can store heat longer in their bodies – women, on the other hand, always get cold feet. As a rule, this is not harmful to your health, but it is still uncomfortable.

These external factors promote cold feet

Not only the cold outside temperatures can favor icy toes, but also wetness. If the feet become damp, for example from leaky shoes or sweat, the skin cools down faster. For this reason, you should always be on the move with dry feet so as not to give off the heat to the outside. In addition, your shoes should not be too tight, as there is also the risk that your blood vessels will be constricted and thus poor blood flow – which inevitably leads to cold feet. If you have permanently icy toes even on mild days, perhaps even in combination with cramps or pain, you should consult a doctor to be on the safe side to rule out a possible disease (including low blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, orthostatic hypotension, anemia).

How to keep your feet nice and warm

The solution is very simple: you have to move around a lot so that your blood vessels dilate and your body can pump more blood into your feet again. Regardless of whether you are inside or outside. As soon as you notice that your toes are getting cold, take a short walk and get your circulation going. Even at home or in the office, you can get a good few feet up by walking from room to room. Also, be careful not to cross your legs while sitting – this will cut off the blood supply to your feet.

Provide another way to warm your toes electric foot warmers with washable footmuff. There are cuddly models with teddy lining that you just have to stick your feet into to gradually heat them up. For your office, however, you can use an Art mobile underfloor heating that you place under your desk and switch on as you like: If you are not at your desk for more than 30 minutes, the device even switches off automatically.

On cold autumn and winter days, shoes with thick soles are an advantage so that the cold cannot penetrate from below to your feet. If your toes are still cold, you can take the shoes with you self-heating insoles equip – these will keep your feet warm for up to eight hours. Alternatively, there are also special ones Toe warmers and Sole warmerthat you attach not in the shoe but under your feet. This means that you can wear the insoles in all situations (including all winter sports).

The socks are also an important indicator to avoid cold feet. It is best to only use materials such as cotton or wool, as synthetic fibers promote sweaty feet and the moisture on the skin in turn has a cooling effect on your toes. At home you can also use fleece or house slippers Lambskin wear to warm your feet. Are even better heatable slippersyou either in the microwave or simply heat it up in the oven.

These home remedies help against cold feet

  • To improve the blood circulation in your feet, you can use a Scooters or Hedgehog balls massage. Once a day, roll the soles of your feet from the center of your heel to the ball of your toes and back for at least ten minutes so that your feet are supplied with blood.
  • Even in grandmother’s time it was commonplace, cold feet rolled into one Foot bath to warm. On the one hand they have a relaxing effect, on the other hand they stimulate blood circulation. Use hot water for this and mix it with rosemary or arnica – both ingredients additionally stimulate blood circulation.
  • The good old one Hot water bottle has long been a tried and tested home remedy to keep your feet warm. It is best to use a model with a cover so that you do not accidentally scald your skin – the water should have boiled before you put it in the hot water bottle to heat your cold feet.
  • castor oil is also a popular means of warming cold feet. You can get the oil in any pharmacy as well as on the Internet: Rub it thickly on your toes and balls of the feet, put on thick socks and go to sleep with them. Overnight, the oil ensures that your feet heat up nicely.
  • Basically anything that warms your body will also help your feet. No matter whether you take a hot bath, drink a tea or eat something spicy – many home remedies warm you up from the inside and can therefore be used every time you have cold feet again.
  • In stimulation therapy, the thermoregulation of your blood vessels is trained. All you need is cold water, which you put in the bathtub or shower, and wade back and forth in it for five minutes – ideally so that you lift your feet out of the water and put them back in with every step you take. In winter this also works with snow.

  • Your diet can also help ensure that your feet have better blood circulation. Eat a balanced diet, eat plenty of fresh fruits and green vegetables such as cabbage, spinach, beans and broccoli, which contain B vitamins. It is just as important that you drink a lot! Those who drink too little usually have thick blood, so that the blood flow can be significantly inhibited.

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