Alsace outside the Grand-Est in the event of the re-election of Emmanuel Macron?

The nagging question of the exit of the Bas-Rhin and Haut-Rhin from the Grand-Est is invited into the presidential campaign. In its Wednesday edition, The chained Duck assures that Emmanuel Macron is considering a “redivision” of the greater region in the event of re-election in April. Alsace would then regain “an autonomy very widely demanded by its inhabitants”.

Why such a choice ? According to the weekly, he would be linked to Jean Rottner. Or rather to reprisals against the current Mulhouse president of the Grand-Est… who has just joined the camp of Valérie Pécresse (Les Républicains). After having long made Emmanuel Macron believe that he could support him. “Rottner made the seat of the President of the Republic for months, offering his services to become a minister”, thus believes the satirical newspaper.

In the event of a break-up in the Grand-Est, elections should be organised. What, perhaps, to question the place of its current president.

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