Almost general dismissal in the case of the links between the club and Corso-Marseille banditry

According to information from Provence, the justice concluded in a quasi general dismissal in the case of the alleged links between Olympique de Marseille and the middle of Marseille-Corsican banditry, a decade after the start of the investigation. The investigating judges cleared most of the club executives accused in this case, including Pape Diouf, now deceased, Vincent Labrune and former sports director José Anigo. Only two agents will be judged for illegal exercise of the profession of player agent.

In the Sunday newspaper from that day, Jean-Claude Dassier reacted with bitterness to this news. “Ten years to see my total innocence and that of my collaborators: better late than never, mocks the former president of Olympique de Marseille. But all the same, I will not forget the night spent in the dead ends of the Republic and the articles that soiled me without knowing anything about the realities…”

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