Almost every second winter vacationer views snow cannons critically – Bavaria

According to a survey, winter vacationers have different views on artificial snowmaking on ski slopes. 45 percent of those surveyed agree with the statement that “given the energy crisis and climate change, snowmaking on ski slopes is absolutely not justifiable.” In contrast, 31 percent of those surveyed argued that technical snowmaking was justified in terms of securing jobs and as a source of income for the holiday resorts.

The survey was carried out by the market research institute GfK on behalf of the Bavarian Center for Tourism in Kempten at the beginning of the current winter season. As the tourism center reported on Monday, acceptance of the snow cannons is particularly high among winter tourists who go to the ski regions. Here, 55 percent see artificial snowmaking as justified. However, around a quarter of all respondents did not agree with either position. The interviewees also included men and women who tend to move to warmer regions in winter.

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