Almost a thousand people gather for a rave party

Nearly a thousand people at least met in the night from Saturday to Sunday in Isère for a rave party towards the former ZAD (zone to be defended) of
Roybon, evacuated in October by opponents of a Center Parcs project, prefectural and judicial sources said.

“More than 800 vehicles converged on the national forest of Chambaran to the south-west of Roybon, where a wild rave party is being held. The event has not been declared in advance, as the regulations require ”, specified Sunday afternoon in a joint statement the prefecture of Isère and the prosecutor of the Republic of Grenoble, Eric Vaillant.

Alerted by a flow of vehicles heading towards the Roybon ZAD

At first, the estimated number of vehicles parked around the site was estimated at a thousand by the prefectural authorities concerning this wild rave party, spotted by the regional daily Dauphiné Libéré.

Saturday from 10 pm, the gendarmes had been alerted to “flow of vehicles” heading in the direction of the former ZAD of Roybon, evacuated in October after six years of occupation by opponents of a Center Parcs project on this site. Since early morning, the soldiers have been posted around the area.

In addition, “the SDIS 38 teams (editor’s note: the Isère firefighters) mobilized, when they were urgently alerted, to bring help to those in need,” the statement continued without further details.

Participants determined to stay for several days?

According to the Dauphiné Libéré, the soldiers would have crossed some participants near the festival and the latter would have told them that some intended to stay “until Sunday evening”, others “several days”.

“A judicial investigation is open to determine the responsibilities of the organizers”, further indicated the prefecture and the prosecution in Grenoble, stressing the absence on site by the organization of the rave “of a civil security team to protect the participants” .

“Statements relating in particular to the use of narcotics but also to non-compliance with health instructions will be carried out by the police which are deployed around the occupied site”, they concluded.

This wild rave party in the region is in addition to that which brought together on the night of July 24 to 25 in Savoie some 2,500 people in a field at the Sapenay pass. There had been no incident. This weekend was also marked by another undeclared rave party, at Château-Guibert (Vendée) this time. At the height of the night, it gathered around 600 participants.

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