Almost a thousand kilometers of traffic jams on the roads

Another busy weekend on the roads of France, with nearly 1,000 kilometers of traffic jams in the middle of a Saturday classified red by Bison Futé in the direction of the returns.

The peak in traffic was reached at noon with 960 km of slowdowns in total for this new summer crossover between the departure of new holidaymakers in August and the return of those who left earlier in the summer.

The main difficulties are concentrated on the A7 motorway in the Rhône valley, with more than 110 km of traffic jams and accordion traffic between Lyon and Marseille. Other difficulties are also to be noted around the large agglomerations of the Great West such as Rennes, Nantes, Le Mans, Rouen, or Orléans where there are 5 km to 25 km of traffic jams and slowdowns in various sectors and on the approach. some toll gates, observes Smart Bison.

In the direction of departures, the day is classified orange but red on the Mediterranean arc, the Pyrenees and in New Aquitaine. Traffic difficulties for those taking the vacation route are likely to increase in the afternoon.

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