Almost 900 new police officers for Bavaria – Bavaria

Bavaria’s police are getting reinforcements: 867 new hires are planned for September 1, Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) announced on Thursday in Munich. The majority of the new jobs are therefore for prospective police officer candidates. According to the ministry, the 777 women and men are being trained by the riot police in Dachau, Eichstätt, Königsbrunn, Sulzbach-Rosenberg and Würzburg.

Another 90 prospective inspectors begin their studies at the University of Public Service in Fürstenfeldbruck, Sulzbach-Rosenberg and Kastl. Together with the new hires in March and April, around 1,600 police trainees would start their service this year, said Herrmann. “Thanks to the 8,000 additional jobs from 2008 to 2023, we can hire significantly more police officers than retire or resign,” added the minister.

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