Allianz – Hermes guarantees renamed – Economy

The Allianz insurance group is giving its credit insurer Euler Hermes a new name. In the future, the company will appear under the Allianz Trade brand, as announced on Monday in Paris and Hamburg. “We believe the renaming will bring many benefits in terms of visibility, business development, growth and innovation,” said Allianz Board Member Chris Townsend. Euler Hermes has been part of the Allianz Group since 2018, which previously held a majority stake in the company. The credit insurer claims to employ more than 5,500 people and is active in 52 countries. The company intends to expand its commercial credit insurance business under the Allianz Trade name. In addition, the company relies on sureties, guarantees and special solutions such as fidelity insurance and wants to prepare for the requirements of digital trade between companies.

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