Alleged arms dealer in the Lübcke murder case denies allegation in court – Westfalen-Lippe – Nachrichten

Chronology: murder of Walter Lübcke and search for clues in the Höxter district

On June 1, 2019, the Kassel District President Walter Lübcke was shot on his terrace. This is the first right-wing extremist assassination attempt on a politician in Germany since the end of the Second World War. The perpetrator was arrested two weeks later.

Bought a murder weapon from a dealer in the Höxter district?

Shortly afterwards the tracks lead to East Westphalia. Police officers search a house in Borgentreich-Natzungen in the Höxter district. The police arrest Elmar J. The accusation at this point: aiding and abetting murder.

During the search at the end of June 2019, more ammunition and weapons were seized.

Federal Supreme Court releases J.

At the beginning of 2020, the Borgentreicher is in custody for several months. But the Federal Court of Justice decides to revoke the arrest warrant – Elmar J. is released from custody.

Trial against alleged arms dealer starts in Paderborn

The investigating authorities cannot substantiate the allegation of complicity in murder. The case was passed on to other offices several times until the Central Prosecutor’s Office in Düsseldorf brought charges against Elmar J. in March of last year.

Wednesday is about negligent homicide in unity with the illicit trade in a firearm and ammunition. There is also the suspicion that J. may have had unauthorized possession of further ammunition. According to the public prosecutor, he could face a prison sentence of several years.

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