all the indicators point to the possibility of a contaminated summer

“Week 24” (S24, from June 13 to 19), was scrutinized by “Covid” statistics in Ile-de-France. To draw conclusions, Public Health France conducted a comparative study with S22 (from May 30 to June 5) and S23 (from June 6 to 12). The results of the various indicators each show an upward trend: the Covid-19 is gaining ground. While the number of positive cases recorded shows an increase of more than 45,000 cases from S22 to S24, there is also a sharp increase in the incidence rate (from 271 per 100,000 people in S22 to 609 in S24). If the first comparison is limited to showing the increase in the number of cases per week, the second highlights the speed of spread of the virus. This last statistic, more than any other, points to a sharp increase in cases.

Another indicator chosen by Public Health France is that of the use of care. In the space of two weeks, the activity of SOS Médecins for suspected Covid-19 has almost doubled, going from 2.0% in S22 to 3.9% in S24. At the same time, hospitals have recorded a leap in the monitoring of patients with Covid-19. While the number of hospitalizations increased from 576 in week 23 to 713 in week 24, Ile-de-France recorded four critical care hospitalizations and 5 more deaths than the previous week.

Explanation & solution

For Public Health France, the increase in figures linked to Covid-19 can be explained by the context of the lifting of restrictive measures, by the distribution of new Omicron sub-lines “probably more transmissible”, or by still incomplete vaccination coverage. . For the National Health Agency, these statistical increases in Ile-de-France, higher than those recorded in the rest of France, encourage “to maintain strong vigilance in the weeks to come. »

In Île-de-France, 9,388,491 people received at least 1 dose of vaccine (76.5% of the entire population). 9,278,791 people received the first two doses (75.6% of the entire population); and 6,774,201 people received a booster dose (55.2% of the total population).

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