all the best offers from the 3rd markdown this Sunday

It won’t be long now to take advantage of the best prices available during the 2022 Sales. Indeed we are in the middle of the third markdown and there are roughly only one big week of promotions left to come before the end of this commercial period which will have lasted a full month.

Is it too late to make great savings? Certainly not ! E-retailers are still overflowing with numerous offers on a wide choice of high-tech products, to allow you to equip yourself, complete your installation or simply to renew old equipment that is now out of date with a brand new and up-to-date model. the cutting edge of technology.

Smartphones remain the safe bet of these 2022 Sales and even after several weeks of intensive promotions, there is still a very large choice of devices available for all brands. We obviously think of Samsung, whether for its premium models but also for these mid-range models, united under the Galaxy A brand, which offer you many devices at even more affordable prices during this third markdown. Apple is also well represented with iPhone 11, SE, 12 and even the latest iPhone 13 which loses a few tens of euros compared to its initial price. Xiaomi and its countless variations are obviously on board as well as OnePlus, present this year both with the OnePlus 8 released in 2020 but also the most recent OnePlus 9 and its notable advances in photography.

This weekend, also take advantage of the 2022 Sales to make very comfortable savings on a wide choice of laptops. Acer, ASUS, Lenovo or HP allow you to benefit from a machine perfectly adapted to your daily needs but also those of your loved ones. You will be able to find laptops more suitable for office automation or teleworking, with sufficient power for undemanding tasks such as writing a document or a presentation, or PCs suitable for gamers, equipped with the best screens. , processors and graphics cards.

Don’t forget to finally take a look at the very rich range of connected objects put online by the various e-merchants. In addition to the famous connected speakers, in particular those offered by Amazon with the Echo range, you can also find excellent deals on Roborock and iRobot robot vacuum cleaners, as well as on a large selection of alarms, surveillance cameras and connected bulbs for a smart home that automatically adapts to your lifestyle.

Finally, lovers of good sound will be able to count on offers just for them with promotions on headphones and wireless headphones, such as Apple AirPods, as well as on sound bars for the most cinephiles and serivores. demanding, for an experience ever closer to that experienced in cinemas.

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