All Macron-Le Pen second round polls in our compiler

POLITICS – See you on April 24. It is on this date that the second round of the 2022 presidential election. Emmanuel Macron will face it Marine Le Pen such as first round results have decided. It will be the revenge of the 2017 election: the candidate LREM won by a wide margin, beating his far-right rival 66.1% against 33.9%.

Five years later, the ballot promises to be much tighter. The hypothesis of this second round has been tested for several months by pollsters. As you can see in our compiler belowthe gap widened with the start of the war in Ukraine.

But like what happened for first-round voting intentions, it has fallen considerably in recent weeks; it was five points two days before the election (April 8).

Since the first round took place, several institutes carried out surveys that we will also compile in this second graph. The most recent are at the top of the infographic.

Between now and the second round, the two short weeks of campaigning will be intense. Travel, interview, meetings will follow one another. And the great debate between two rounds scheduled for Wednesday April 20 promises a lot, five years after Marine Le Pen’s failure. In 2017, this show recorded its ultimately very large defeat. She dreams today of taking her revenge, always with the outsider costume. Emmanuel Macron is the favorite of this election; he can hope to become the first President of the Republic to win a second term, excluding cohabitation.

The poll compiler HuffPosthow it works?

Each new poll of voting intentions for the presidential election is taken into account in our compiler. This then calculates the new average of the scores achieved by each candidate on the latest published surveys. The more recent the survey, the greater its weight in this average. Click here to download the list of all polls used for this article. Note that for daily rollings, only one survey is taken into account each week.

See also on The HuffPost: The three lessons of the first round of the presidential election

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