All high school students will be able to “save lives”, we explain how

Without immediate treatment, more than 90% of cardiac arrests are fatal. “The survival rate in good health is 3% today”, emphasizes Vincent Bounes, the boss of
Sat 31, now vice-president of health at
regional Council. It is with this cap that he submits this Thursday to the plenary assembly the vote of the device aimed at training all high school students, and more broadly all holders of the Youth Card, or 230,000 young people in all, in first aid gestures. .

“We’re going to do good around us. This is the first coordinated training in first aid in France, there is no equivalent to my knowledge “, enthuses, the emergency doctor, who estimates that in the long term the measure will” save 2,000 lives per year in Occitania ”.

Seven hour training

Concretely, young people will be offered, probably from March 2022, to take the famous PSC1 free of charge, for Level 1 Civic Prevention and Relief, which includes an apprenticeship in cardiac massage. For the first year, this seven-hour training course, “possible over one day or two half-days”, will be carried out “outside school time” with approved organizations. To identify these “a call for expressions of interest” will be launched at the end of the month. “Then, explains President Carole Delga (PS), young people will be offered slots near their homes”, whether they live in town or in rural areas.

The region does not rule out extending the system to students through an extension of the Youth Card to this audience. The first generations of high school lifeguards could thus revise their reflexes after five years.

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