All coaches will have a candidate in the final (even Nolwenn Leroy)

Ten semi-finalists for five places in the final. As TF1 explained in a press release on Monday, the semi-final of The Voice broadcast next Saturday will reserve its share of novelties. After the various performances, the viewers will choose a finalist per team among all the candidates of Florent Pagny, Amel Bent, Vianney and Marc Lavoine. And it’s not over.

“Great novelty this year: Nolwenn Leroy is extending her mission since she will have the power to save a fifth talent among the 6 unqualified. He will then become the finalist of the Nolwenn Leroy team, ”it is specified in the press release. They will therefore be five to claim the title of big winner of The Voice.

Coaches and candidates gathered on stage

Finally, for the first time since the launch of this season, the candidates will sing during the evening with their respective coach. At this stage of the competition, Amel Bent’s team is made up of Mary Milton, Doryan Ben and Vike. Florent Pagny accompanies Nour and Lou Dassi, Marc Lavoine Loris and Caroline Costa. Vianney’s team includes Louise, Pauline and Mister Mat.

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