“AligotGate”, “guerrilla”…. Can you answer these ten questions about France winning?

The start-up nation likes to celebrate its unicorns, these young billionaire companies. But which Frenchman is the fastest unicorn in the world in 2022? On October 8, Alsace put an end to 36 years of humiliation by recovering the trophy for the biggest sauerkraut in the world thanks to a charcuterie from Haguenau. Who owned it before her? From the longest accordion concert to the busiest ice bath, the Tricolores have swept the records this year. And if you want to know more about the “guerrilla”, a latent conflict between the great powers of rillette, or the record for the longest garland of socks in the world… in short, the big little victories for France in 2022, It’s up to you. Can you answer these ten questions about France winning?

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