Alicia Witt: Sad words after the death of her parents

Alicia Witt
Sad words after the death of her parents

Alicia Witt became known through the “Dune” film adaptation in the eighties.

© 2020 Ga Fullner/

Alicia Witt commented on the death of her parents and the subsequent period of mourning in an emotional Facebook post.

Alicia Witt (46) has herself in a long Facebook post commented on the tragic death of her parents. “It still doesn’t feel real,” the US actress begins her post, in which she shared a series of pictures with her parents. Father Robert, 87, and mother Diane, 75, were found dead at their Massachusetts home on December 20. Witt herself had arranged for someone to check on the two after days of not hearing from them.

“I knew as soon as I heard the detective’s voice on the other line that they were gone forever. I knew I would never hear their voices again,” writes the actress. She is deeply grateful that earlier this month she was able to quietly travel to Worcester “to hold a beautiful service and funeral, to mourn and to celebrate in complete privacy.” Witt also thanks the people who shared their memories of their parents with them. “They were brilliant educators, deeply kind, curious, intuitive, wise, young at heart, funny – there will never be enough adjectives to describe them.”

The circumstances surrounding the sudden death of her parents made for many headlines and misunderstandings. “It’s very sensitive for me to write about this because I want to honor their privacy, which they were so strict about.” Her parents hadn’t let her in the house for over a decade.

Alicia Witt: “Our last words were ‘I love you'”

“Every time I offered to fix something for them, they refused to let workers into their house. I begged, cried, tried to talk to them, tried to convince them that I would help them move help – but every time they got mad at me and told me I had no right to tell them how to live their lives and that they were in control,” Witt continues. She didn’t know “that the heating wasn’t working anymore. My parents were by no means penniless, they were just very stubborn. Our last words to each other were ‘I love you’. There was never any doubt about that”.

Witt was discovered by David Lynch (76) in the 1980s for his “Dune” film adaptation of “Der Wüstenplanet” and was later seen in his “Twin Peaks” series. Most recently, she was seen in series like “The Walking Dead” or “Orange is the New Black”.


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