Alexander Zverev – penalty after freak out appropriate? That’s what Novak Djokovic says

“I’ve made mistakes in the past where I threw tantrums on the pitch. I understand what the player is going through,” said Djokovic, who is currently serving at the ATP event in Dubai and through one there 6: 3, 7: 6 (7: 2) against Karen Khachanov the quarterfinals reached.
Of course he justifies Zverev’s behavior not, emphasized the 20-time Grand Slam tournament winner, but: “He found the right words in his explanation. He said that he made a mistake and that his actions were not appropriate.”

Djokovic has a clear opinion on the action taken by those responsible in Acapulco to take Zverev out of the tournament: “I think the decision to disqualify wasn’t too hard. I think it was right under the circumstances. Of course it’s hard for you player to be disqualified from a tournament.”

Something similar happened to him “a year and a half ago”.

Djokovic reminds of US Open scandal

“I was disqualified from a Grand Slam because I accidentally hit a line judge,” Djokovic recalled Disqualification at the US Open 2020. “I see it was a mistake and I have to accept it,” said the superstar.

What’s next for Zverev? “I’m sure he will learn from it,” Djokovic believes.

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The Zverev scandal in the video: that made him freak out

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